A necessary evil? An enjoyable industry practice? For some of people networking is as easy as pie (though I never quite understood that phrase). For others, myself included, networking is the most unnatural part of being a business professional; I've avoided it for as long as possible. I came across this gem @Geelonglibraries last month and am so grateful I did.
For the life of me I can't figure out why I'm so bad at networking. Give me a role and I'll nail it. I can write all day. I can research and present without much issue but I'm REALLY not good at starting a conversation from scratch. Starting my VA business earlier this year made me realise that not networking wasn't an option. I need to find clients continuously, I don't have much of a professional contact list in Australia and, for the most part, have bent the ear of every single poor soul I know, so networking needs to be a huge part of my long term business strategy.
I am so envious of the people that can just walk into a room and just "work it." I've never wanted to be a overly gregarious person, I'm quite comfortable being quiet, reserved and measured and I am able to form meaningful personal and professional relationships with people once I get to know them (and them, me). For that I'm thankful.
While I am a confident person and believe in my talents and capabilities I am, in fact, an introvert. I'm okay with this fact (thanks, Devora Zack). I like to think, I like alone time, I like to listen more than I'm heard. The world needs us just as much as it needs those that are more socially gifted. That said, networking is vital and what I've realised trying to hone this craft is that I don't actually need to change who I am. I just need to approach it knowing my strengths and accepting my weaknesses.